Ron Bloom


In 2009 Pastor Ron was serving as an associate pastor in Pasadena, Ca when God began to speak to him about planting a church in the Santa Clarita Valley area. After preparing with much prayer and the support of a few friends and pastors, Mission Church was planted in October of 2012 with Pastor Ron serving as the lead pastor. By God’s grace that vision has grown into a church family where individuals and families gather to share life and serve alongside each other following Jesus.

God has given Ron a passion to help people meet Jesus as well as build up and equip believers for ministry. He loves to share God’s word and does so in a way that scripture makes sense in our everyday lives.

Ron married his wife Stephanie in 1990 and raised two sons, Riley and Aiden in Santa Clarita. They’re always looking forward to what God has next for their family, church and community.